Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Photo Collage

A photo collage I put together. Probably one of my favorite ones I have made so far. For my printmaking class our final is to make three editions of a book. This is one page that will be in the book. I plan to citrasolv this onto paper and silkscreen over it. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

I Can Taste Summer

Summer is so close, this semester is killing me and break is one month away. The final projects for my classes should be fun and I am aiming to end the year on a good note. Work produced from this point on should be great. What I plan to put most my energy in is silk screening, sculpture, and this giant piece of a maned wolf. Anything I make I will post.

Making art all the time is nice and all but I would really like the time to make more personal art. It kills me that I have a canvas calling my name, but I have school work that demands more attention. Summer is so close... 3 months of relaxation and personal painting and producing. I have some big plans. Lots of art and possibly travel involved. Going to be networking and deep in the galley scene. Art art art.